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Navigating Unimelb: Insights and Strategies from My First Semester

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Summarization Semester Unimelb
Just someone loves blogging.
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This article reflects on my first semester of study at Unimelb.

during Semester

Complete your weekly study tasks as soon as possible. Otherwise, they might never get done.

  • Whenever I plan to study “in a day or so,” I end up neglecting those goals.

Focus on essential activities and keep your eye on the goal. While some tasks may seem helpful and interesting, they can turn into a waste of time if their outcomes are unclear.

  • “Desktop Tracker”
  • “Multi Systems”
  • “Personal Blog”

It’s crucial to manage your emotions effectively. Remember, the goal is to thrive, not just survive. Keep in mind that what is your primary focus right now, and all your interactions should align with this objective.

  • I expended a great deal of energy on interpersonal relationships that, ultimately, seemed pointless.
  • Avoid overthinking things.

during Exam Week

Always take some time to fully relax after completing a demanding task.

  • In preparation for the INFO90002 subject, I unfortunately spent nearly five days playing PC games, which became excessive and uncontrollable.

Define your objectives clearly and dedicate your time to one main goal over a short-term period.

  • At the beginning of my INFO90002 review, I was simultaneously juggling many tasks, none of which were done well, leading to distractions and inefficiency.
  • While revising INFO90002, I was sidetracked by what seemed like necessary steps, which ultimately proved to be pointless.

Review topics in a Breadth-First Search (BFS) order.

  • I spent too much time on Normalization during my INFO90002 revision, neglecting other topics, which resulted in an unbalanced review.

Create a comfortable study environment.

  • I was generally unhappy for most of the revision period. And later in the winter break, I discovered that I prefer studying in a “cafe” environment. Although it’s noisy, the lively atmosphere helps me focus and enhances my productivity.
  • Experiment with less efficient but more enjoyable methods, such as writing blogs.
  • Being at home can lead to distractions, or at the very least, it requires energy to resist the lure of entertainment.

How to Achieve a High WAM (Weighted Average Mark)

  1. Grasp Your Materials Promptly: Ensure you understand all your study resources, including lectures and tutorials, as soon as possible.
  2. Begin Your Work Early: Start your assignments and projects at your earliest convenience to avoid last-minute rushes.
  3. Clarify Your Points: Make sure you have explained your ideas clearly and thoroughly.
  4. Engage with Learning Management Systems: Regularly check updates and posts on your LMS. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re uncertain or need further clarification.