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Integrating Math Functions in Your Blog: A Practical Guide

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Tech-Guide Blog Math Tex Mathjax
Just someone loves blogging.
Table of Contents
blog build up - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article


Blogging is an activity that records our lives and thoughts, which is especially helpful when organizing one’s studies in a specific area. Blogging about math is particularly attractive because it allows us to present content more fluently and rigorously using TeX-related functionalities. However, implementing LaTeX in a browser can be cumbersome due to its large size. Instead, lightweight frameworks like KaTeX or MathJax are preferable. Here, we choose MathJax and demonstrate its use in our blog system.

This blog is based on my implementation using the following technical stack:

For more details on the implementation, refer to my other article: Essential Checklist for Building Your Personal Blog

Let’s begin our journey!


Refer to Mathematics in Markdown, we can install MathJax into our Hugo blog site. Here’s a list of changes made:

  • ./config/_default/markup.yaml: Add passthrough delimiters.
  • ./layouts/partials/math.html: Include MathJax scripts.
  • ./layouts/_default/baseof.html: Cache math.html.

After making these changes, you can start using MathJax in your blog!

Tex code:

    a + b = Hello, World!

Rendered equation:

$$ \begin{aligned} a + b = Hello, World! \end{aligned} $$

Frequent Syntax

To write beautiful formulas, it’s important to know the basics of MathJax (TeX) syntax well. This includes understanding how to use different fonts and adjust indents among other features. Here, we’ll explore the frequent syntaxes of MathJax.


In TeX, there are two primary modes: text mode and math mode. For MathJax, content within specific delimiters is inherently in math mode. However, the same font commands can behave differently in these two modes, for instance1:

  • In math mode, spaces are ignored with commands like \mathbf and \mathit.
  • Combining \mathbf and \mathit like \mathbf{\mathit{...}} is not permissible.
  • Certain syntaxes are exclusively supported in math mode, such as:
    • \( \textit{text1^{text2}} \) results in an error.
    • \( \mathit{text1^{text2}} \) is correctly processed.

Practically, it’s advisable to use math mode syntax for mathematical constants and variables, and text mode for regular text.

Here are some commonly used fonts in TeX and MathJax2:

  • text mode:
    • \textbf{...}: \(\textbf{Boldface}\).
    • \textit{...}: \(\mathit{Italic}\).
    • \text{...}: \(\text{Roman}\).
  • math mode:
    • \mathbf{...}: \(\mathbf{Boldface}\).
    • \mathrm{...}: \(\mathrm{Roman}\).
    • \mathit{...}: \(\mathit{Italic}\).
    • \mathcal{...}: \(\mathcal{Caligraphic}\).
    • \mathsf{...}: \(\mathsf{Sans-Serif}\).
    • \mathbb{...}: \(\mathbb{Blackboard\ Bold}\).

Greek Letters

Name Syntax Rendered Result Name Syntax Rendered Result
Alpha \alpha \( \alpha, \Alpha \) Nu \nu \( \nu, \Nu \)
Beta \beta \( \beta, \Beta \) Xi \xi \( \xi, \Xi \)
Gamma \gamma \( \gamma, \Gamma \) Omicron o \( o, O \)
Delta \delta \( \delta, \Delta \) Pi \pi \( \pi, \Pi \)
Epsilon \epsilon \( \epsilon, \Epsilon \) Rho \rho \( \rho, \Rho \)
Zeta \zeta \( \zeta, \Zeta \) Sigma \sigma \( \sigma, \Sigma \)
Eta \eta \( \eta, \Eta \) Tau \tau \( \tau, \Tau \)
Theta \theta \( \theta, \Theta \) Upsilon \upsilon \( \upsilon, \Upsilon \)
Iota \iota \( \iota, \Iota \) Phi \phi \( \phi, \Phi \)
Kappa \kappa \( \kappa, \Kappa \) Chi \chi \( \chi, \Chi \)
Lambda \lambda \( \lambda, \Lambda \) Psi \psi \( \psi, \Psi \)
Mu \mu \( \mu, \Mu \) Omega \omega \( \omega, \Omega \)

Mathematical Symbols

Name Syntax Rendered Result Name Syntax Rendered Result
Plus + \( + \) Less than < \( < \)
Minus - \( - \) Less than or equal \leq \( \leq \)
Multiply \times \( \times \) Greater than > \( > \)
Divide \div \( \div \) Greater than or equal \geq \( \geq \)
Equal = \( = \) Not equal \neq \( \neq \)
Approximation \approx \( \approx \) Similar to \sim \( \sim \)
Summation \sum \( \sum \) Integral \int \( \int \)
Product \prod \( \prod \) Union \cup \( \cup \)
Intersection \cap \( \cap \) Subset \subset \( \subset \)
Superset \supset \( \supset \) Subset or equal \subseteq \( \subseteq \)
Superset or equal \supseteq \( \supseteq \) Infinity \infty \( \infty \)

Mathematical Environments

Name Syntax Begin Syntax End Rendered Result
Align equations \begin{align} \end{align} \( \begin{align} a & = b + c \\ d & = e + f \end{align} \)
Aligned equations \begin{aligned} \end{aligned} \( \begin{aligned} a & = b \\ c & = d \end{aligned} \)
Equation \begin{equation} \end{equation} \( \begin{equation} E = mc^2 \end{equation} \)


To streamline operations, we have defined several macros. These macros are included in the file ./layouts/partials/math.html to facilitate easier processing.

    MathJax = {
        tex: {
            packages: {'[+]': ['base', 'amsmath', 'amsthm']},
            tags: 'ams',
            displayMath: [['\\[', '\\]'], ['$$', '$$']],  // block
            inlineMath: [['\\(', '\\)']],                 // inline
            macros: {
                zdef: ['{\\textbf{DEFINITION #1}}', 1],
                zthe: ['{\\textbf{THEOREM #1}}', 1],
                zlmm: ['{\\textbf{LEMMA #1}}', 1],
                zprf: ['{\\textbf{PROOF #1}}', 1],

                aligned: ['\\begin{aligned}\\label{#1}#2\\end{aligned}', 2],
                align: ['\\begin{align}\\label{#1}#2\\end{align}', 2],

                zt: ['{\\text{#1}}', 1],
                zi: ['{\\textit{#1}}', 1],
        startup: {
            ready: function () {


With the contents outlined above, you can now easily edit mathematical formulas in your blog!

blog build up - This article is part of a series.
Part 2: This Article